How to Prepare for a Long Distance Move

Moving from one home to another is a tricky and tiring business. If your new home happens to be miles away, the complications involved in the move can gain a whole new dimension.

However, if one of these complex long-distance moves awaits you, don’t despair – there are systematic preparations you can undertake to make things easier for yourself.

If you follow these steps and start planning your move several months in advance, you will be able to stay on top of the situation at all times and manage your move with no major problems.

10 Steps

When choosing the moving company

When choosing the moving company, check their responses to online complaints, since that will tell you a lot about their relationship with clients. Pick a few that seem to be responsible, have good conditions and reasonable prices.

Secondly, call them over for an in-house estimate to make sure how much they would actually charge you. Be sure to find the one that responds to your needs best.

Additionally, go over all the paperwork, make sure you understand all the terms and conditions of your contract and ask for clarification of anything you happen not to understand or want more details of.

Don’t hesitate to ask for any hidden costs and, most importantly, hire someone only after you’ve made sure their services will cover all your needs. If you are from Los Angeles area, we can recommend great moving company from Los Angeles called QShark-Moving!

A pro tip:

If you are travelling with pets, it would be better to drive if it is manageable. In this case, plan the route carefully, since you’ll need a lot of gas, meals and bathroom stops along the way. Additionally, don’t forget to organize the transport to and from the airport.


A long distance move can be unnerving. But don’t be afraid, everything can go remarkably well if you plan thoroughly in advance and do all the necessary research. If you are well-prepared, your move will be a lot more stress-free.

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